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11 Facts about Weight Loss That Actually Work

facts about losing weight

Millions of people are on a journey to lose weight every single day.  Weight loss isn’t just about looking good and feeling good on the outside, it’s about making sure you are fit and healthy for the years to come!

However, there are plenty of facts and figures surrounding weight loss, and it’s worth remembering that everyone loses weight a little differently.  Here’s our full fact file on losing weight to help clue you in on the basics.

1. Dark chocolate could help you lose weight.

One of the biggest problem areas for extra weight and fat is the belly. However, studies suggest that you could actually cut down on fat in this area by eating dark chocolate regularly!  We wouldn’t advise eating too much of it for the reverse effect!

2. You may be genetically predisposed to gain weight.

Research suggests that some people may be more prone to gaining weight and developing type-2 diabetes than others. However, it is still suggested that a healthy diet and regular exercise are essential for offsetting these genes.

3. Losing weight relies on regular sleep.

It may be hard for you to lose weight if you don’t get enough sleep. Sleep is important for helping to maintain our bodies’ hormones.  The hormone that increases fullness and the hormone which drives hunger can fluctuate if you don’t sleep enough.

4. Where does it all go?

What happens to fat when we lose it? Believe it or not, more than 84% of it turns into carbon dioxide, and exits our bodies when we breathe out!

Believe it or not, the majority of weight you lose is through breathing alone. However, diet control and exercise – again – certainly can’t hurt!

5. We’re all built differently.

Everyone’s metabolism differs, and it’s this which can prevent some people from losing weight at the rate they desire. It is possible to boost your metabolism through eating more protein.  It’s thought to be great at helping you burn more calories in your everyday life.

6. Stress is a tricky trigger.

While in some cases stress can cause weight loss, it may also prevent you from losing weight. In many cases, stress can manifest itself in the form of comfort eating, and cravings for high-carb, high-sugar foods and drinks.

7. Diet soda isn’t the way.

While it may seem as though diet drinks help to cut your chance of obesity, just one can of diet pop or soda a day could increase your likelihood of obesity by 41%.

8. America is trying to diet.

It’s thought that, right now, at least half of the US is on some form of diet.

9. Not all weight is fat.

Weight counts for more than fat alone. In fact, people who weight train actively want to gain weight in the form of muscle.  If you want to lose weight, you may often be confusing the act with losing fat.

10. Don’t get tempted!

One thing that experts agree on is that you shouldn’t be looking at the scale every day. Weight can fluctuate at the start and at the end of the day, for example, due to fluid changes.

11. Be careful when cutting down.

One of the most basic diet changes people make is cutting calories. However, it is extremely unhealthy to cut calories dramatically – just because you cut calories quickly, won’t mean you will lose weight any quicker.

FAQs about Weight Loss

How can I lose weight fast?

All bodies work very differently, however, the key to weight loss lies in reducing your sugar, increasing your protein, and to avoid eating out of boredom.

What is the healthiest diet on which to lose weight?

There are thousands of different diets out there - however, the Mediterranean diet tends to win plenty of praise.

Can water help me lose weight?

Yes! By drinking more water, your body stays hydrated, you have more natural energy, and you have less chance of confusing hunger for thirst.

Do you know any facts about weight loss?  Share your motivation in the comments below!

Check out out more facts about the Mediterranean diet

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