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8 Mind-Blowing Facts for Students: Fascinating Information from Multiple Fields of Study

Facts for Students

What good is the internet if it cannot teach you amazing things? Did you know that Australia is wider than the Moon? Well, now you do. If you’re interested in facts like this that can positively blow your mind, this article is just for you. From science to education, fashion, and psychology, we have compiled a list of fascinating and mind-boggling facts for those students who love to learn outside the classroom just as much as they do in school. Keep reading to find out what other interesting things you can explore.

1. Clouds are really heavy

As a child, you may have thought you could just float on a soft, squishy and light cloud. Turns out that is not possible. The average cumulus cloud could be as heavy as one million pounds. This is because they are composed entirely of water, which can be very heavy. When more water condenses onto the clouds, the droplets grow in size and start to pour down.

2. Women started wearing shorts only after World War II

Men have been wearing shorts for the longest time. But for women, a violent war in which people faced a high level of rationing and poverty was something that allowed them to wear shorts. The reason for this is that fabrics and other materials used in constructing garments were in such short supply during and after the war that women had to shift from wearing long, flowy skirts and dresses to more utilitarian jumpsuits, pants, and of course, shorts.

3. Rats feel it when they get tickled

This is a hilarious fact that only shows us how much closer to reality the movie Ratatouille is. It is proven that rats are highly intelligent and sensitive to their surroundings. However, did you know that they can sense touch, and possess more sensitivity than other animals and feel it when tickled? An interesting video from National Geographic displayed a rat showcasing unmistakable emotions when it was tickled. Isn’t that fascinating?

4. John Steinbeck used 300 pencils to write East of Eden

Ah, literature – a world full of wonderful talents and tortured artists… Back in the day, people didn’t have MacBooks, so they would have to manually write on paper using pencils. Thus, the Nobel Prize-winning John Steinbeck used 300 pencils to write his critically-acclaimed novel that went on to be regarded as the author’s most ambitious work. Can you imagine doing this much writing manually? Anyone who has ever written something knows how difficult it is to write and how much effort and creativity it takes. Whether it is a school essay or a novel, writing is hard. If you are a student, you can get some help with writing from GrabMyEssay. Their experts will help you get a great mark, regardless of your topic.

5. Starting to learn at a very early age isn’t always good

Everyone says that teaching children things as early as possible is the best thing for their development. However, this is not always true. Teaching a child everything at a very early age has been proven to be counterproductive to their learning abilities. Giving them access to tools, objects, books, and other things can allow them to ease into exploring the material on their own. Children are way more intelligent than we think they are and can come to conclusions about various things without a push from their parents or teachers. Early academic learning prevents creative growth and also makes them less curious about the world they live in.

6. Humans can produce venom

No, we’re not just making that up in an attempt to teach you some interesting facts. While humans do not currently produce venom, we are highly capable of doing so. It turns out people have all the tools and characteristics they need to do it, but evolution did not cause humans to develop this ability…yet. Isn’t that awesome and slightly scary? Imagine a world in which you could literally spew venom!

7. Rapping allows children to learn math

After an experiment by the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory that featured a math lesson with a rap song, people were able to find out that children can benefit from listening to rap music. Its rhythms, cadence, and even lyrics can help one to improve their memory and recollect facts. However, rap songs have also been proven to aid mathematical learning and improve concentration in a learning student.

8. Bananas are radioactive

We don’t mean to panic you because we all love this potassium-filled fruit. However, it is known that one chemical in bananas tends to decay faster than others, making the fruit slightly radioactive when it has been sitting out for too long. But to get radiation poisoning from eating bananas, you would have to eat ten million of them in one sitting, which is not likely to happen.

To Conclude

With interesting facts like the above-mentioned ones, it is easy to think that the world is vaster than we thought and it is impossible to learn everything. That is true. However, you can try to learn more by looking for new and more interesting facts about the world and humans in general, reading books, and watching documentaries.

Author’s Bio – Diane Sherron

Diane Sherron is a writer and a passionate educator with a background in teaching high school and college students. In her career, Diane has inculcated a passion for fun, fact-based learning in students, which she says has encouraged. Diane’s passions led her to write a few factual children’s books.

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