Facts about China

On This Day - October 20th

By October 20th, many of us are counting down the days to Halloween, and with good reason! But, before you let this very important date go by, here are some of the things you should know about October 20th – there are a few more reasons in this guide to celebrate if it’s already a big day for you, too. Let’s get stuck in!

On this day

Maria Theresa

Maria Theresa came to power.

In 1740, Maria Theresa became the ruler of Hungary, Austria, and Bohemia. She held that position until her death in 1980 and was the only woman to hold it in her own right.

Battle of Navarino

The Naval Battle of Navarino took place.

In 1827, just off the Peloponnese coast, the Naval Battle of Navarino took place. A combined fleet of French, English, and Russian fighters defeated a Turkish and Egyptian force. In so doing, they paved the way for Greek independence – something that was a long time coming!

facts poland

Polish people were finally allowed by the Tsar to speak their own language.

In 1905, Russian Tsar Nicholas II officially allowed the Polish to speak, well, Polish! He did so to help diffuse the revolution in the Kingdom of Poland. Can you imagine your native language being illegal?

Alice Paul

Alice Paul began her prison sentence.

In 1917, US suffragette Alice Paul began her seven-month jail sentence. She was jailed for peacefully picketing in support of the Women’s Suffrage Amendment at the White House. Sadly, people protesting peacefully around the world still face some backlash from law enforcement.

Facts about China

The Long March ended.

In 1935, communist forces in China ended their Long March at Yan’an in Shaanxi. In so doing, they brought Mao Zedong to prominence – and the future of rule in China would be shaped from this day forward.

Special Days Falling on October 20th

If you were looking to celebrate something today, why not consider some of these festivities taking place around the world today?
fun facts about ladies

International Chefs Day

Every October 20th is International Chefs Day! Chefs truly are the artists of the culinary world, always coming up with new and unique ways to delight our eyes, noses, and, most importantly, our taste buds! So, show your appreciation by heading to your favorite restaurant tonight, and remember to compliment the chef!

Facts of Kenya

Mashujaa Day

For the people of Kenya, October 20th is Mashujaa Day! The word “Mashujaa” is Swahili for “heroes.” The day is dedicated to honoring all of the heroes who have fought for Kenya’s freedom and continue to do so! That is why today is a public holiday!

Facts of Guatemala

Revolution Day

In Guatemala, October 20th is Revolution Day – because, on this very day in 1944, a democratic rebellion destroyed the oppressive rule of the military dictator Jorge Ubico. The brave protestors, who were teachers, students, and general workers against actual soldiers, fought for their freedom and changed Guatemala forever! So, today is the perfect day to honor them and cherish Guatemala’s freedom.

This page was last modified on October 18, 2023. Suggest an edit